Untitled Wizzo Game


Item: CHT-1453

Item Classification: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: All copies of CHT-1453 are to be kept in a lead lined box and placed in box with 6" sound proof padding. Any attempts to destroy CHT-1453 result in massive damage to the surrounding area (as per incident ██████ in ████) and CHT-1453 vanishing and appearing in a random basement in a major city somewhere on earth.

Description: CHT-1453 is an original Gameboy style handheld console that looks to be playing a simple game. Further research into the game has shown the main character in the game is somebody who attempted to play the game previously. There are two known outcomes to the game; winning results in the person being ejected from CHT-1453, losing results in the person dying and being ejected as a skeleton. These attempts at research have resulted in Agent █████ dying in the game, confirmed by dental records and the current instance of Agent █████ being trapped inside. The noises from the game are an attempt by the person in the game to communicate to the outside world and are very seductive. The current instance of CHT-1453 is Agent █████ and Project Director Lambert is very keen to get the agent released.

[You need to click within the game area to start]

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